April 8, 2011

Serendipity In South African Shores

We were in our room at the Garden Sun Hotel in Durban, when the phone suddenly rung and the caller was looking for me. At first, I wondered, why someone will be looking for me in South African shores, but later when she introduced herself, I realized that her husband gave my name, so we can coordinate while waiting for the ship to alongside.
With Sindhu and her children while strolling at the Beachfront in Durban, South Africa
At the end of the three days wait, a friendship blossomed.  

April 2, 2011

Rising up to the Challenge

In every family, it is always an advantage to be a son, because they carry the family name and after marriage it remained, but for us daughters the maiden name is superseded.
However, it is not a matter of gender because every child is a gift from God. 
We are blessed to have a son, who just finished his preparatory degree and on the roads to spread his wings to  reach for his dreams and be a good medical doctor someday.
Good luck son, the road may be rough but our love and prayers will see you through. Just take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go! We love you. God Bless!!!