September 20, 2014

The Modified Gratitude Challenge

Some of my friends had embarked  The Modified "Gratitude Challenge" in Facebook. When nominated, you just need to list three things that you are grateful for over 5 days. And each day nominate  at least two (2) others to take on this challenge and share. 
As a response to said nomination, starting out Day 1 of 5:
1.)Today, I am grateful for the patience of the man who taught me how to turn Hatred into Love.
2.)Thank you, for making boring days at sea into memorable nights. 

3.)Likewise, thanking you for the encouragement to wake up early, to catch the sunrise 
and look forward to seeing a beautiful sunset at the end of the day. 
 From this day forward, I commit to living on the brighter side of life.

August 12, 2014


It is always a fact  that at some point in our existence we reached some  deciding point, life offers us choices and to be able to get by, we must be ready which direction to take. Tip toe if we must but we have to take the choice and face the consequence that goes with it. Study the pros and cons and choose the best option. Something that will make you happy and can give you peace of mind and if things don't turn out as expected at least you can handle it well.