February 15, 2013

The Last

It's Valentines day once again, a perfect time  to profess our love to the most important people in our life. For those in ....savor d moment and enjoy the present...for those out of ...learn the lessons of the past, but keep the spirits high...believe and pray to meet ur one true ...for those on ldr...be thankful for the technology and the gift of TIME more than roses and chocolates.....for the hopeless romantics...Have fun watching the story: The Last http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvxHPtEsmFc

February 11, 2013

Seasons of Life

How to live life is always a daunting choice. In each season or phases, experience either break or make us a better person. The people we meet and our attitude towards the circumstances that besets us matter on how we approach every situation but, in the end it is the lessons learned from our decisions that truly matters.

February 10, 2013

Thank You

A picture fades, but the memories remain. It is a treasure that cannot be more appreciated than with Time. I'm grateful; that the years have not taken that much of its toll in me. Thank you Lord for the gift of LIFE and LIVING!!! Thank you dear relatives and friends for being there through thick and thin. Most of all, thanks for the LOVE and CARE Sir Captain! xoxo