Use Sex as an Antidote to Marriage Ruts
There will be times in your marriage when careers, family, kids, friends, hobbies and other important tasks will pack your schedule and get in the way of maintaining a good relationship. There will be periods when the two of you are not communicating well and don’t seem to be connecting with each other. When you experience these ruts in your relationship, don’t let sex go by the wayside. Use the time you have together wisely by getting frisky. If your marriage is experiencing a dip, it’ll fall even further if the two of you don’t connect sexually. Instead of abandoning your bedroom activities at the first sign of trouble, use sex to get back on track.
Be Imaginative
Yes, she is the love of your life -- the woman you chose to spend your days with until you both grow old. She is the mother of your children (if you have them) and a domestic goddess that runs your household and your family while still succeeding in a career and myriad other duties.
In order to make married sex better, try to stop thinking of her as your adorable and adoring wife when the two of you get frisky. Allow your imagination to run wild; think of her as a dirty sexpot and encourage her to play the part. Tap into the intense attraction you have for each other and forget that you’re husband and wife.
Communicate Openly
It is imperative to be HONEST to each other in all aspects as much as possible because neither of you is a mind reader. Discuss things with an open mind.
Allow each other to Bloom and Shine
Take every opportunity to grow and enhance your potentials as an individuals. Do not restrict your wife's growth nor be intimidated by her achievements. Instead be proud and supportive of her endeavors and vice versa.
Make Your Room Exclusive
Having a better sex life with your wife/husband requires that you both take a step away from your everyday lives and focus on each other. If you are parents, this means that you’re going to have to designate some space in your house for adult-only activities. To this end, consider making your bedroom a no-go area for your children. The kids usually have the run of the house, but if they know that mom and dad’s room is off-limits, you’ll be more likely to have time and space to yourselves on a regular basis. Your bedroom will become a haven where it’s all about the two of you.
Stay Away from Pajamas
It’s a well-known fact that many people -- men and women alike -- feel it’s OK to let themselves go once the wedding vows are exchanged. Unfortunately, this is a one-way street to problems with your sex life. If you no longer bother to put in the effort to make yourself attractive to your spouse, she could lose interest in being intimate with you. Keep the sex hot by maintaining your looks. This means no flannel pajamas in bed. Slip under the sheets wearing what he thinks you look sexy in, whether it’s the T-shirt he loves to cuddle up to, just your boxers or nothing at all. Don’t come to bed covered up from head to toe. Hopefully this will encourage her to put some imagination into her sleepwear as well.
Forget the Frequency Limits / Rules
There is no standards to follow as to how many, where and when it should be done. It is the fulfillment that counts and the numbers don't matter a lot.
The Best Thing About It
The major benefit of having sex in a long-term relationship is that you should be able to trust your partner and not be afraid to share all aspects of your sexuality with him. Get your fantasies out in the open, push your boundaries and create the right environment in order to keep exploring sex with the woman/man you plan to grow old with.
Reference: about,shine
Image sources: onsugar