October 31, 2010

Together Again

We parted  ways at the USJR portals after our college graduation
last March 1982, to venture life on our own,
and lost contact  thereafter.
However, when we met last October 30, 2010 
as if nothing  has changed.
The friendship ties that bind us decades ago,
remained untarnished.
In a spark of a moment, our face glowed
just like during our old campus days.
How I wish we can get together more often
to share moments of joy and tears,
of life's stories and adventures.
Thank God for FRIENDS like YOU,
we were never truly miles apart,
because in our prayers and in our minds,
we remained close at heart.
Today, we are just a text, or  an IM message  away in YM , Skype, or FB.
Video calling in skype, tokbox, and etc. keeps the fire of friendship burning...
Till we meet again! Will definitely miss you ... 
Thanks for your time! 

October 30, 2010

Celebrating Five Decades of Togetherness

October 30, 1960 was the date,
When you  first both  took your vows before God,
To Love and To Cherish in Sickness and in HEALTH,
In adversity and in prosperity, until death  part your ways...
Today, half a century later you  renewed  those vows,
with heads up high, with pride, joy and a cheerful heart,
for making it through life for the past fifty years of your existence as husband and wife.

It seemed like only yesterday, when you were both young, dashing and exploring life. Your love story was a perfect example of what destiny was meant to be. A whirlwind romance, ending in marriage  that no one expected  to last five decades of Blissful togetherness.

In hindsights, you both traveled the peaks and valleys in the highway of life in raising your five children, armed only with  your guts and   strong determination. 
You made it through with flying colors.
By simply showing that WE  have to GO through life with the flow of the currents  and not against it. 
Indeed, fifty years is quite a while for most good things to last, and that's a lifetime achievement beyond compare.
From a roller coaster of the past, moving forward, towards a glorious future.
You are both role models, in showing that two heads are better than one.
That, when  facing life's challenges, it is best to be a TEAM walking side by side and not ahead nor behind.
You showed us the values of commitment, caring, devotion, and unconditional love.
We are  truly GRATEFUL to GOD for being born to  parents like you.
YOU are both  God's greatest blessings to us.
As we celebrate a milestone in your togetherness,
Let the bond  of LOVE keeps on growing until the sun sets in your life,
May it be a golden beacon for the rest of us.
Happy fiftieth anniversary to our beloved Papa and Mama!
Cheers to your golden  years of marriage and beyond!!!!

October 15, 2010

Dance with the Wind

We  always dreamed  of a better  life after we get married, have a baby, and raise them well. However, we're frustrated that the kids aren't old enough, and we'll be more content when they are.  Later, we're dismayed  that we have teenagers to deal with. We'll certainly be happy when they're out of that stage soonest.
We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, are able to go on a vacation, and become self sufficient  when we retire.
However, the truth is, there's no better time to be happier than the present, live  for today for tomorrow may never comes.
When do we say that we have enough and is ready to retire?
How much is enough?
Our life will always be filled with challenges.
It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway.
To have enough is relative.
One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred D. Souza, is  "For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. However, there was always some obstacle in the way, something has to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, or a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."
This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness.
Happiness is the way.
So, treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with...and remember that time waits for no one.
Stop waiting... there is no better time than right now to be happy.
Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
Learn to dance with the wind and sail through life's uncharted courses with an open heart and a big SMILE, do count your blessings, 
and stay connected with friends.

October 10, 2010

An Affair to Remember

If there is someone in the past that
you will remember for the rest of your life, it would be your teenage sweetheart.
The exhilarating sensation when you hold hands, the magical feeling of that first kiss will forever linger
in your heart and mind and no matter. What have been? You will keep longing for those very special days with a smile on your lips.

Through the sunny and rainy days, together you laughed, cried. Danced under the moon light, played hide and seek and through it all and wished upon the star that the joy you felt will never end.

You were there at her worst, defended her against the bullies,
offered your shoulder to cry on, but she never thought that
the UNSUNG HERO will leave foot prints in her heart until life after death.

Nothing can compare the bond that teenage sweethearts share.
Who could say that the love you felt is just infatuation,
when you have done so much more for him/her
that you cannot do for anyone else today?

"Teenage sweetheart's" affection is one of the purest forms of love,
as it is based on genuine intentions rather than any worldly things."
Every child couple is subject to envy, because, even if they argue a lot,
they never sleep without talking. The next morning is just one of those days
when they used to exchange pleasantries. Unlike adult couples that would rather sleep than talk about it and unknowingly the animosity
made them go astray.

If  life has a rewind button then, maybe you will never walk alone.
Besides you, she will stay, and in her " most beautiful heart",
you will live and reign eternally.

October 8, 2010

The Beauty of Colors

Colors brings joy to our eyes. It symbolizes life. We can easily identify things using different colors. Without colors, life is just  like a body without  a soul. Colors sometimes reflect our attitude. With colors, we can say everything without voice.
Is your life as colorful as mine?...:D